Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Forever War Movie

I know I'm probably one of the last to hear this, but when I saw that The Forever War was being made into a movie, I really didn't know how to feel.  At first I was excited, but then realized that to put this masterpiece into a film format that would appeal to a general audience would likely require the butchering of the book's plot and dialogue.  Sure there is some epic action, but the segments in between the battles are integral to the book as a whole, and I really doubt the action movie seeking public has the attention to stand watching the complexities of the human drama within The Forever War.  I would love to see a strict adaptation of the book, but I don't see how the true storyline can remain un-altered in a film adaptation.  Regardless, I will most likely end up seeing the movie, perhaps just to see the words put to life, even if it is some sort of dummed down, Michael Bay-esque mainstream material. Perhaps Ridley Scott can work a masterpiece like he did with Blade Runner, we shall see.

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